Together with Hanneke Meijers and Textieldrukkerij Amsterdam, we’ve developed a special colourful line of shirts to celebrate LOVE. As an artist, I’m focussing my next projects on how I can promote an optimistic world view. Because in order to make any change in this world, I think we need hope and we need optimism to even go about making it happen. At least I do! So in my work I want to counter the mostly cynical view of human kind and as cheesy as it sounds, I think it starts with love.

I’m very happy with this design by Hanneke because it’s visually strong and powerful. I want to promote the idea that love is not just something weak or fluffy but something strong and cool. I think this does the job. So we can proudly wear it and share it! #proudlove #loveisstrong
And with Textieldrukkerij Amsterdam we selected 6 colours to accomodate to a wide variety of taste and celebrate diversity in a fun and summery way! Ch-Check ’em out below.
Pictures and styling by Guus van Vugt and Jiske Snoeks.

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