In 60% Banana, Benjamin Monki Kuitenbrouwer gives you an optimistic view of humanity in a brand-new format: a circuslecture. He uses his acrobatic skills to tell the audience about the hopeful developments in the world. Swinging and climbing between the poles, and using data on extreme poverty, war victims and-among other things-population growth, he formsmetres-high coloured graphs with elastic bands to make his point.“Things can be bad ánd getting better.”–Hans Rosling (Factfulness). Monki defends the position that we do not deny the wrongs in theworld if we try our best to see positive developments. He refuses, just like Rutger Bregman, to be called naivebecause he proclaims an optimistic message. Rosling, with his book Factfulness and his organization Gapminder, championed aworldview based on facts. He defended that we often have an overly negative view of the state of the world and humanityand that this negative view prevents us from imagining further positive changes. By telling a hopeful story about the developments of the past decades, he wanted to give people the belief that we can still bring about major changes in the future.
CREATION & PERFORMANCE : Benjamin Kuitenbrouwer
CREATION & DIRECTION : Bas van Rijnsoever
TECHNIQUE : Arnold Schut• Cahit Metin
PRODUCER : MONKI • TENT house for contemporary circus
CO-PRODUCERS : Cirklabo • DeGrote Post • Over ‘t IJ
RESIDENCIES : Over ‘t IJ • Cirklabo•De Grote Post• Werkplaats Diepenheim
SUPPORTED BY : Amsterdams Fonds voor de kunst • Fonds Podiumkunsten
DURATION : ± 30 minutes (maximum 3x per day)
LANGUAGE : Dutch, English or French
AGE : 12+
FLOOR&SPACE : ± 8 x 8m •frontal setup audience • height at least 6m
RIGGING:anchor points needed
WE COME WITH : 1artist• 1technician